Scientific project: Theoretical and experimental research of models and algorithms for formation and control of specific relief textures on different types of functional surfaces

  • Thematic areas: 5.1. Mechanical Engineering and 5.3. Communication and computer equipment 
  • Project manager: Prof. Stoyan Slavov, Ph.D.
  • Funding institution: Bulgarian National Science Fund
  • Competition for financial support of basic research projects – 2021
  • Contract number: KP - 06 - H57 / 6
  • Budget: BGN 119,902
  • Start of the project: 16.11.2021
  • Term of the contract: 36 months

         The project is mainly focused on research of models and algorithms for formation and control of the topographic characteristics of new specific relief textures on different types of functional surfaces. It is based on the following main hypotheses:

  • Hypothesis 1. In addition to the five types of so called "regular (micro-) reliefs" (RMR), obtained by the classical process of vibratory ball burnishing which the trajectories of the deforming element are close to the sinusoidal shape, it is possible that there are other suitable trajectories to form regular reliefs (RR) with different cell shape applying the ball burnishing process (without forced vibrations) using contemporary CNC machines. The ability to simultaneously interpolate two to five axes, embedded in modern CNC machines, can ensure the deforming tool to follow more complex spatial trajectories and thus to achieve new, in terms of shape and manner of arrangement, regular reliefs on both simple (rotary or planar) and complex (non-planar) surfaces.


  • Hypothesis 2. To evaluate the RR topography characteristics, provided the larger size of the cells and their regular distribution on the treated surface, there is a possibility concerning the application of modern non-contact methods for obtaining digital images as well as methods for their subsequent processing. Thus, it is possible to create methodologies for generating two- and three-dimensional models of RR topography.


  • Hypothesis 3. There is a possibility for creating a unified complex algorithm for generating various deforming element trajectories of movement for various RRs and shapes of the processed surface. There is a possibility for applying the Planned Experiments Theory for obtaining mathematical models, through which the interrelation between the model variables and the obtained RR's topography parameters to be studied.